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Disputes & Employment Tribunals

Workplace disputes can often feel like a drain on management time. Jackson Lees can help you to deal with them correctly, fairly and in a timely manner.

In almost every workplace, Disputes between employers and employees can occur from time to time. As an employer, you’ll want to ensure that Disputes don’t impact negatively on your business and try to resolve differences directly with your employees wherever possible. However, when Disputes cannot be resolved internally, you may find yourself defending an Employment Tribunal claim.

At Jackson Lees, our knowledgeable employment solicitors are here to guide you through the entire dispute process. We’ll help you avoid a Tribunal claim where possible by finding alternative ways to deal with Disputes. And if you do need to defend a claim, we will ensure you are fully prepared – supporting you with everything from preparing documentation to obtaining witness statements. We’ll clearly outline all of your options and responsibilities from the start so that together we can plan the best course of action. We’ll make sure you and your business are represented fairly and will ensure you are informed and in control throughout the process.

If you’d like to have an informal conversation to find out what your options are, we offer a free, initial over-the-phone chat. So for confidential and friendly advice, contact our Commercial Law team on 0151 282 1700.