
Top tips for Personal Injury claims

Our team of Personal Injury solicitors have put together their top tips to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Make The Claim Straight Away.

Don’t wait until you can no longer work because by then it’s already too late and your costs have already started to pile up which can lead to financial problems. Processing your claim sooner rather than later will ensure the details are still fresh in your mind and you're likely to have all the relevant documentation at hand.

Seek Medical Advice Immediately.

Whether your injury is physical or mental, it is important to be seen by a medical professional straight away. This will not only help aid your recovery and rehabilitation but also help you to record your injury independently, which will be needed later to make your claim.

Ask About an Interim Payment.

This is a lump sum given to you when you start your proceedings to help with with any immediate costs. For example, covering your mortgage if you are unable to work.

Record Your Expenses.

Such as medical bills, transport costs if you have been deemed unfit to drive, and/or home improvement costs to help you manage your injury.

Don’t Just Accept the First Offer You Get From the Insurer.

Many people feel drawn to accept a one-off lump sum. However, it is highly recommended that you do not until a full medical evaluation is completed and your case has been looked at in detail as there may be some future costs that you have not been made aware of yet.

Take Care With Social Media.

Remember that insurers can, and will, view anything that is in the public domain and any posts to friends and family may be interrupted differently.

Document Your Progress.

This includes medical notes and witness statements. Keeping all the related information in one place will help speed your claim up and get you the compensation you are entitled to.

Don’t Be Put Off by What Others Might Think.

Often people feel embarrassed by submitting a Personal Injury claim however, the average financial impact of not claiming can be over £1,500. A cost which not all people can afford.

Remember a Personal Injury Claim is Just Like Any Other Kind of Insurance.

It is important to remember that submitting a Personal Injury claim is the same as claiming against your airline for lost baggage. Insurers are there to provide financial support and a trusted solicitor like us at Jackson Lees will be happy to help you through what is often a difficult time.  

If you would like to find out more information or speak to one of our Personal Injury solicitors, contact us today.