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Deportation is a step made against those who have committed serious criminal offences in the UK. It is not normally taken unless someone has a criminal sentence of over 12 months or has a significant history of offending. Depending on your character, private and family life and connections to the UK, these decisions may be open to challenge.

Those with shorter sentences can normally mount a reasonable challenge to their departure. For those with sentences of over four years, truly exceptional circumstances must be shown to prevent deportation.

The Home Office will usually give notice that they are considering deporting you during the duration of your prison sentence. You should be proactive and seek to make representations to them explaining why you believe you should stay. We can work with you, your family, friends, and probation officers etc. to explain why your departure from the UK would not be permissible. In some circumstances, expert evidence may be needed.

If the Home Office do decide to deport you, there will normally be a right of appeal against this decision. We are able to assist you in this process and provide representation at your hearing.