Newsletter No. 9 – Live Webinar Recording & Updated FAQs

On 28th June 2022, Boris Johnson officially launched the Covid Inquiry. Following this announcement, our legal team hosted another in our series of Live Client Webinars to keep our Covid Inquiry clients and the Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice group up to date on the most recent developments.

The webinar recording has been edited to remove any personal identifying information, and can be watched in full below.


FAQ Update

As always, every question that was asked by an attendee of this webinar has been answered, and each person who put forward a question has received a personal response. All questions with general relevance have now been uploaded to our Covid Inquiry FAQ page. If you have any questions about the legal process, please take a look at our FAQ page as all Q&As from previous webinars can be found over there. 


Looking forward

We are now waiting for the Chair of the Inquiry, Baroness Heather Hallett, to make her opening statement where she will advise on the evidence gathering process, the Listening Exercise, and Core Participant status applications. This will take place on the evening of the 21st July 2022. We plan to host another webinar following this to help our clients understand what happens next and answer any of their questions.


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If you have lost a loved one to Covid-19, you have a right to be part of the public inquiry process. There is strength in numbers, so that as a group we can apply pressure to government and the Inquiry. We represent our Covid Inquiry clients pro bono, this means at no cost or financial commitment to you. Find out more