Newsletter No. 7 – Live Webinar Recording & Updated FAQs

On the 12th May 2022, Baroness Hallett issued her recommendations for the proposed Terms of Reference to the Prime Minister, following a month-long consultation process with the public and the bereaved families. In light of this development, we hosted the next in a series of Live Client Webinars to help our clients better understand what this means, what happens next, and answer some questions live. This webinar has been edited to exclude any personal identifying information, and can be watched in full below. 

Watch the full recording below

FAQ update

While we weren't able to answer every question live during the webinar, our legal team has ensured that every question asked that evening has received an answer. The most relevant of which can now be found on our updated Covid Inquiry FAQ page. If you have a question that has not been answered by a member of the team or the FAQ page, please get in touch with us directly at and we will ensure we get back to you with an answer.


Looking forward

We would also like to just say a huge thank you to each of you for your continued participation and engagement so far. The webinar was a success and we have been delighted by the positive feedback we’ve received regarding the format. It is clear that you have found this to be useful, so we will be making plans to host more of these webinars in the future and will update you all with the details in future newsletters.


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If you have lost a loved one to Covid-19, you have a right to be part of the public inquiry process. There is strength in numbers, so that as a group we can apply pressure to government and the inquiry. We represent our Covid Inquiry clients pro bono, this means at no cost or financial commitment to you. Find out more