Rachel Stewart

Contact me
How can I help you?

I am a solicitor in the Court of Protection team. I assist Jane MacGregor and the Jackson Lees Trust Corporation in their duties as professional deputy. My role is to work with clients, case managers and their families to manage their finances in their best interests.

A little about me

I very much enjoy helping clients and being a positive force in their lives. Every client has very different needs and expectations, which makes the day-to-day role incredibly varied and rewarding. We really do make a positive difference every day.

My experience

I am a solicitor and qualified in 2012. Prior to working in Court of Protection, I gained a lot of experience in handling serious injuries following road traffic and workplace accidents. This has given me a great deal of insight into what each patient has been through and how best to help them.

In 2021 I took the opportunity to move into a Court of Protection role and have loved the challenge and the rewarding nature of the position.

When not working I spend time with my family, we enjoy walks in the woods, and trips to the beach and the zoo. I also enjoy swimming, yoga, and reading.