Date published: 10th October 2019

For our 4th blog around #WorldMentalHealthDay, which falls on the important day itself, we're exploring what happens if people haven't had a chance to prepare for what happens if they can no longer handle their own affairs.

Sadly, it is not uncommon for people to develop degenerative conditions with age, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. In such circumstances, it is often the case that individuals have failed to prepare for a time where they lack capacity and have not appointed an attorney to manage their finances.

This can often result in bills going unpaid, the involvement of debt collection agencies, and a lot of unnecessary stress being incurred for both that person and their family. Accessing financial information without any legal authority can be extremely difficult for families.

Regrettably, it can also be the case that attorneys who have been appointed abuse the position they are in, leaving the protected person in a vulnerable position without funds to maintain them.

This is where we can help

In these circumstances, we can take steps to process a court application whereby the end result sees us or a family member acting as deputy on behalf of the protected person.

A deputy appointed will work with family members, local authorities, and care homes to manage any funds there are in order to provide the best possible quality of life for the client.

What do we do if we are appointed?

  • Carry out regular benefits reviews to ensure that our clients are receiving the appropriate benefits
  • Apply for local authority funding entitlement for care home fees or care
  • Liaise with social workers and family/friends to make best interest decisions with regards to affordability and practicality of living arrangements, taking on board their input in respect of health and welfare matters
  • Take steps to manage any debts and liabilities incurred. This can often involve dealing with local authorities, banks, care homes and utility companies
  • Manage the client’s funds in a way which ensures they enjoy the best possible quality of life whilst maintaining longevity of funds to last a life time
  • Consider whether the client has a Will in place for their wishes to be carried out after death in respect of their finances. Where this is not the case, consider whether a statutory Will could be written to do this
  • Arrange for care and support to be funded where needed and work with the client’s support network to guarantee the best possible arrangements

People who find themselves or a loved one in these distressing circumstances often feel they have nowhere to turn.

But, our team can offer lifelong support to assist with their property and financial affairs where no one else is able to do so. If you would like to know a little more about what the team do or believe they can make a positive difference to you/your family then please call us on 0151 282 1700, request a callback at your convenience or message us your enquiry.