Date published: 23rd February 2018

Beauty treatment injuries are on the rise.

These days looking good can cost you a small fortune. It is big business and worth billions to the UK economy each year. If that’s not surprising, you may be surprised to learn that the beauty industry is totally unregulated which means that, at present, anyone can establish themselves as a beauty therapist or open a beauty salon with little or no training.

When things go as planned, there is no need to worry but what happens if something does go wrong?

With the increasing number of treatments on offer these days and the rise in unqualified or untrained “therapists”, few people understand that unqualified or poorly qualified therapists could cause injury.

Unfortunately beauty treatment injuries are on the rise. They are often painful and distressing. They can be caused by omissions, such as a failure to carry out a patch test or overheating or spilling the wax.

A therapist who administers a beauty treatment owes you a duty of care. They must take all reasonable steps to protect your health and safety. If you have been unfortunate enough to suffer injuries because a beauty treatment has been performed negligently, you may be entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering, attributable to the injuries you sustained.

If you require legal advice about making a claim you should act quickly. Please contact our Personal Injury department by clicking here for a call back or message us your enquiry.