Date published: 20th November 2017

Broudie Jackson Canter are proud to be fund-raising for Inquest (a charity dedicated to providing expertise on state related deaths and their investigations) to take on a campaigner to pursue the Hillsborough Law legislation.

Elkan Abrahamson, Director, said:

“Hillsborough Law will have a far reaching effect on the duty of public bodies to tell the truth. It will also revolutionise the way inquests and inquiries are dealt with. Bishop James Jones published a report on 1 November with the title:

The patronising disposition of unaccountable power’ – which says it all.

We need to hold public bodies to account. We need to empower junior staff in public bodies to stand up to their superiors and tell the truth. Hillsborough Law will enable this.

While politicians of all parties say they support Hillsborough Law, the government is doing nothing to enact it. At the same time we see in the Grenfell Tower disaster that public bodies are already preparing their excuses and shifting blame to others while the bereaved families have had no access to funds for legal representation and so far (Mid-November) have not had one single document disclosed to them.

Inquest have kindly agreed that if we can raise enough money they will take on a campaigner to lobby for Hillsborough Law. I think this is a cause worth fighting for – and if we can get the law passed so that it affects the Grenfell Disaster Inquiry so much the better.”

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