Date published: 11th August 2017

The effect of not making a claim can sometimes have bigger implications than you think.

These latest figures show us it is vitally important that the ‘compensation culture’ myth is dispelled for people who have a genuine claim. By not making a personal injury claim to recover the losses they suffered, our poll of 1000 people revealed that 23% were left without pay due to their injuries.

13% were involved in extra expense by having to pay out for unexpected medical fees. 14% of those surveyed had to tighten their belts and make cut backs on their usual day to day expenses and finally 11% incurred the expense of extra incidental help such as travel expenses.

All due to the fault of someone else.

The consequence of this is that individuals who suffered accidents at work through no fault of their own not only had to endure the pain, discomfort and inconvenience of the injury, but also financially lost out as a result.

To not pursue a claim therefore, is to add insult to injury.

If you’ve suffered an accident that wasn’t your fault get in touch today. Please click here for a call back or message us your enquiry.