Date published: 7th October 2019

At Jackson Lees, we have a nationally renowned Court of Protection team. This service is something not everybody knows a lot about so we thought we would give an insight into the work that we do in the Court of Protection team at Jackson Lees and how we Make a Positive Difference every day.

The Court of Protection is in place to protect individuals who lack mental capacity. The Court has power to make orders in respect to both health and welfare matters, as well as property and finances.

Our team here at Jackson Lees specialise in the management of property and finances for people who can no longer do so as a result of clinical negligence, brain injuries, and other conditions affecting brain functioning including dementia.

We build lifelong relationships with both our clients and their families and help to create a sense of trust, enabling us to work together to secure the best possible future for the client.

We work together to protect the finances of society’s most vulnerable 

Our Head of Department, Jane MacGregor is one of only nine panel deputies in the North West. This means she is approved, supported and monitored by the Court of Protection in her role. 

This also means that she is often approached by the Court to be appointed as deputy for clients who have no one else to take on the role.

Jane is closely supported by solicitors Joanne McNally and Joanne Lee. Both have a huge wealth of post-qualification experience and are experts in understanding the role we play in our clients’ lives.

The team is made up of over 10 staff members including solicitors, paralegals and administrators, meaning that we are able to maintain contact with our clients and be consistently supportive where our services are required.

As well as being appointed as deputy for clients who no longer have capacity to make that decision themselves, we also act as attorney for clients who have planned for the future and wish for our team of professionals to be appointed where they can no longer manage their finances themselves.

We work together with clients to make decisions for as long as they are able and ensure that funds are spent in their best interests whilst also considering longevity.

In circumstances where someone is able to take on the role as deputy for their loved one, we are able to act in helping them through what can be a confusing court process. We put together the court application, taking away the stress of the process and following this, are able to offer some support and advice in your new role as Lay Deputy.

Throughout the course of this week, we will be talking about the different circumstances in which our services may be required and how we can help you!

If you would like to know a little more about what the team do or believe they can make a positive difference to you/your family then please call us on 0151 282 1700, request a callback at your convenience or message us your enquiry.